Our Team
Our expert customer care team is here to assist with your orders and answer any questions. For help, please call (601) 919-9196 or reach out to one of the representatives directly.
Andy Edwards | Co-owner | (662) 801-1286 | andy.edwards@mdmed.org
Wade Ward | Co-owner | (601) 624-9553 | wade.ward@mdmed.org
Tyrone Ashley | Technician/Delivery Driver | (601) 919-9196 | tyrone.ashley@mdmed.org
Tina Bernard | Long-term Care Customer Care Representative | (601) 919-9196 Ext. 209 | tina.bernard@mdmed.org
Sonya Case | Incontinence Customer Care Representative | (601) 919-9196 Ext. 217 | sonya.case@mdmed.org
Breckyn Dunn | Office Manager | PPE Customer Care Representative | (601) 919-9196 Ext. 204 | Cell: (601) 540-5030 | breckyn.dunn@mdmed.org
Cindy Foster | Customer Care Representative Receptionist | (601) 919-9196 Ext. 210 | cindy.foster@mdmed.org
Cindy Giddy | Long-term Care Customer Care Representative | (601) 919-9196 Ext. 202 | cindy.giddy@mdmed.org
Tracy Hammack | Urology and Ostomy Customer Care Representative | (601) 919-9196 Ext. 201 | tracy.hammack@mdmed.org
Angela Hill | Incontinence Customer Care Representative | (601) 919-9196 Ext. 215 | angela.hill@mdmed.org
Shannah Kittrell | Incontinence Customer Care | (601) 919-9196 Ext. 216 | shannah.kittrell@mdmed.org
Mary Jean McCullam | Incontinence Customer Care Representative | (601) 919-9196 Ext. 208 | mj.mccallum@mdmed.org
Wade E. Ward Jr. | Management Support Specialist | (601) 919-9196 | wade.wardjr@mdmed.org